Excursion de 5 jours - Le meilleur d'Israël au départ de Tel Aviv : Jérusalem, la mer Morte, Nazareth et Massada
Excursion de 5 jours - Le meilleur d'Israël au départ de Tel Aviv : Jérusalem, la mer Morte, Nazareth et Massada
Par Bein Harim Tourism Services
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Tripadvisor remet un prix Travellers' Choice aux hébergements, attractions et restaurants qui reçoivent régulièrement de très bons avis de la part des voyageurs et qui sont classés parmi les meilleurs 10 % des établissements sur Tripadvisor.
À propos
Garantie Prix le Plus BasAnnulation gratuite
Âge 12-99, 40 pers. maximum par groupe
Durée : 5 jours
Horaire de début : vérifier la disponibilité
Billet mobile
Guide : Anglais
- Prise en charge et retour à l'hôtel
- Petit déjeuner
- Petit déjeuner
- Petit déjeuner
- Petit déjeuner
- Guide professionnel
- Véhicule climatisé
- 4 nuits d'hébergement
- Entrée – Ancient Katzrin Village and Synagogue
- Entrée – Katzrin
- Entrée – Caesarea National Park
- Entrée – Theatre at Caesarea National Park
- Entrée – The Grottos at Rosh HaNiqra
- Entrée – Masada National Park
- Entrée – Dead Sea
- Entrée – Mémorial de Yad Vashem
Ce qui n'est pas inclus- Nourriture et boissons, sauf indication contraire
- Pourboires
- Début :Plusieurs lieux de prise en charge proposés.Détails sur la prise en charge
- Veuillez noter que notre prise en charge / retour n'est disponible que dans quelques hôtels du centre. Veuillez sélectionner l'hôtel le plus proche de votre adresse dans le menu déroulant de la page du circuit. Si vous ne savez pas lequel des hôtels répertoriés vous convient, veuillez choisir l'option "Je ne vois pas mon lieu de prise en charge" et insérez l'adresse de votre hébergement. Une fois la réservation approuvée par le voyagiste local, un e-mail de confirmation de Bein Harim vous sera envoyé mentionnant le dernier point de prise en charge le plus proche de votre adresse. Veuillez lire attentivement l'e-mail avec la confirmation de réservation ci-jointe pour vous assurer que vous attendez le ramassage au bon endroit. Veuillez vous assurer d'attendre le ramassage à l'entrée de l'hôtel.
Prise en charge à l'hôtel offerteVous pourrez choisir parmi la liste des hôtels inclus au moment du paiement.Fin :Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous. - Non accessible en fauteuil roulant
- Transports publics proches
Si vous avez des questions au sujet de l'accessibilité, nous nous ferons une joie de vous aider. Il vous suffit d'appeler le 5209CLASSTEL et de nous indiquer le code produit.- Vous recevrez la confirmation lors de la réservation.
- Des chaussures de marche confortables, un chapeau et de l'eau sont recommandés
- Une tenue modeste est obligatoire pour les visites des lieux saints; genoux et épaules couverts
- Aucune condition physique particulière requise
- Il est recommandé d'apporter des chapeaux, un maillot de bain, des serviettes et une protection solaire lors de la visite de la mer Morte
- Notre société ne participe pas à l'organisation d'un baptême avec un prêtre dans le Jourdain - pour les voyageurs qui souhaitent se faire baptiser avec un prêtre, nous le coordonnerons à l'avance avec le site de Yardenit; la durée estimée de la visite dans le Yardenit est de 15h30 à 16h15
- L'ordre de l'itinéraire du circuit peut changer en fonction de votre jour de départ
- Veuillez noter que cette visite n'est pas adaptée aux enfants de moins de 4 ans
- Pour avoir lieu, cette expérience requiert un nombre minimum de voyageurs. Si elle est annulée parce que cette condition n'est pas remplie, on vous proposera une autre date ou le remboursement complet.
- Cette activité peut accueillir un maximum de 40 voyageurs
- Si vous annulez au moins 7 jours avant la date de départ, l'annulation est gratuite.
- Si vous annulez de 3 à 6 jours avant la date de départ prévue, des frais d''annulation de 50 % seront appliqués.
- Si vous annulez moins de 2 jours avant la date de départ, des frais d'annulation de 100 % s'appliquent.
- Si vous avez des questions sur cette visite ou besoin d'aide pour réserver, nous nous ferons une joie de vous aider. Appelez-nous simplement au numéro ci-dessous et mentionnez le code produit 5209CLASSTEL.
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À propos du prestataire
Nous ne sommes pas les seuls à le dire : découvrez les commentaires des visiteurs sur ce prestataire.
- congelati0 contributionvisite conseilléeBelle visite des lieux par un guide espagnol anglais, (ekke?) car pas de visite en français cette semaine. Le restaurant d’Akko est médiocre et j’aurais souhaité faire aussi un tour extérieur pour visiter cette ville. Guide très aidant avec un client handicapé, bravo.Rédigé le 30 septembre 2023
- congelati0 contributionbelle visite ça vaut la peineune journee est suffisante depuis Jerusalem. Ein Jedi est un kiboutz oasis fermé. On vous emmene dans un centre commercial interessant mais bondé, avec restaurants self. Choisir l’un ou l’autre car les caissiers ne suivent pas. Il pourrait y avoir un lieu de rendez vous vers la porte de Damas pour les personnes logees dans le vieux Jerusalem…Rédigé le 30 septembre 2023
- ClaudioD28920 contributionExtra.Tout était parfaitement organisée, l'horaire, le lieu de rencontre, etc. Orion, notre guide , étais incroyablement serviable et attentionné, ainsi que le chauffer Ahmad.( le meilleur chauffeur d'Israel ... selon les dires ) . Orion nous a mis à l'aise et nous a extrêmement bien expliqué en quoi consisterait le tour et les aspects historiques. Sans tomber dans la classe magistral d'histoire, mais en donnant les points essentielles pour qu'on comprenne la visite. De même avec les précautions, visite en plein milieu de la journée ç0ou 42 C*, Le désert, etc. J'ai beaucoup apprécieRédigé le 7 septembre 2023
- eyffese0 contributionGuide aigri...Sur le papier, excursion très riche en émotion et en histoire mais malheureusement le guide ne traduisait pratiquement rien en Français. Car on n'était que 8 Français dans le car, donc il a privilégié les Anglais... Sachant qu'on a payé pour un guide français, sinon on n'aurait certainement pas pris ce voyage. Tous les Français étaient déçu... Aussi, il ne ns a pas laissé le choix des boutiques ni le choix du resto... A chaque fois. Il nous disait c'est à vos risques et périls... du coup, on ne comprenait pas bien les instructions de retour... et un couplé s'est perdu au mur des lamentations... les pauvres étaient morts de peur... Bref Guide pas à la hauteur, dommage car il nous a vraiment pourri la journée.Rédigé le 22 août 2023
- L3754RRjacquelineb0 contributionJonathan alias "... mes amis ! ..."Merci Jonathan pour cette agréable journée pleine d'histoire(s). Bravo pour vos efforts à n'oublier aucun d'entre nous et à nous préserver autant que possible de la chaleur, mais le plus important, pour vos explications et vos réponses à toutes nos questions. Ce fut un plaisir ! et cela s'adresse aussi à Nathalie et à Moshe (j'espère que c'est la bonne orthographe). Je vous souhaite à tous une belle continuation quels que soient vos projets. Jacqueline BRédigé le 16 août 2023
- alainsV2702BL0 contributionUne super journée à Jérusalem avec des explications du guide qui était au topMerci à Norbert pour la visite et toutes ses explications. Nous le conseillons vivement. Le guide était à l’écoute de tousRédigé le 13 août 2023
- Thierry1950 contributionUne journée formidableUn très beau tour, très bien organisé et avec un personnel charmant et compétant. Le Pick up et retour proches de l’hôtel sont vraiment un must…. La guide était formidable et l’expérience exceptionnelle !!!Rédigé le 10 août 2023
- 535corinne0 contributionTres bon tour a PetraTres bon tour dans le site exceptionnel de Petra. Tres bon Guide jordanien. Formalités aux frontières rapides. Bon repas en fin de tour. Par contre, manque de temps sur le site, le départ d eilat devrait se faire beaucoup plus tôt. Si vous voulez vraiment visiter Petra, il faut prévoir 2 jours.Rédigé le 2 août 2023
- julieng0etz0 contributionTour Cesaree, Rosh HaNikra,Acre avec JonathanOn recommande les tours guidés spécialement avec le guide Jonathan aka Jojo qui est un guide fantastique ! Il prend le temps de bien expliquer et s'assure que tout le monde ait bien compris ses explications. Son tour est clair et pertinent et il est toujours de bonne humeur ! Tous les sujets peuvent être abordés avec lui et il ne faut pas hésiter à lui poser des questions. Le grand plus : c'est un guide objectif qui met en avant la pluralité des opinions sur un sujet. C'était un plaisir de le rencontrer ! On recommande vivement.Rédigé le 1 août 2023
- Christel M0 contributionLe top du top notre guide Kaissar EliranL'excursion d'une journée a commencé à Haïfa. visiter Massada et la Mer Morte. Date - 06 - Juillet - 2023. Guide touristique - Eliran Kaissar. Voiture - Chevrolet Traverse excellente guide je recommande vivement !!!!!Rédigé le 20 juillet 2023
- marinastavolone0 contributionParfaitNous avons visité la vieille ville de Jérusalem avec Jonathan, super guide passionné et patient, je vous recommande !Rédigé le 18 juillet 2023
- sacg17LR0 contributionDe Jérusalem à la mer morteTrop longue ! Trop d’infos ! La visite de Jérusalem = 5 heures ! vs La mer morte = 2 heures… On aurait aimé pouvoir se promener d’avantage dans les rues, plutôt que d’avoir des commentaires détaillés sur l’historique des religions qui n’étaient pas mentionnés dans le descriptif de la visite. De l’histoire oui mais là c’était une encyclopédie !Rédigé le 13 juin 2023
- MARIE G0 contributionSuper journée à MasadaSuper journée à la mer Morte et au Fort de Masada un guide Norbert au top. Nous avons passé une journée inoubliable. Nous avons pu nous baigner dans la mer Morte. L’organisation était superbe. Je recommande cette excursion.Rédigé le 8 juin 2023
- MARIE G0 contributionTrès très mal organisé, très cher payé, pour attendre une heure, rester une minute sur le lieu de la nativité et repartiTout a mal commencé, l’agence nous a oublié à Hotel. Un taxi est venu nous chercher. Nous avons récupéré le bus. Nous n’avons rien vu que ça a été la course bus. Parking église de la nativité. Retour au bus pas de visite et retour à Jérusalem , j’ai jamais vu ça par contre nous avons passé une heure dans un commerce pour acheter des souvenirs payer un tel prix pour acheter des souvenirs. Je trouve ça abusé.Rédigé le 7 juin 2023
- louisbY3628CC0 contribution"Visite guidée de Jérusalem et Bethléem : expérience décevante, mauvais rapport qualité prixLa visite guidée de Jérusalem et Bethléem a duré dix heures, avec trois heures consacrées à Jérusalem, deux à Bethléem, une pour le repas, une pour les boutiques, une pour le transport en bus et deux heures d'attente dans le bus pour diverses raisons. Un point à améliorer est que le guide a dû s'exprimer à la fois en anglais et en français, ce qui a réduit de moitié le temps consacré à chaque langue. De plus, comme le nombre de francophones dans notre groupe était réduit (quatre sur quarante), certains guides ont privilégié l'anglais, ce qui est décevant compte tenu du coût de la visite (100€ par personne). Un groupe de quarante personnes n'est pas adapté à une ville comme Jérusalem ; un maximum de vingt personnes serait plus approprié. Il était difficile d'entendre correctement le guide et de se déplacer dans les ruelles étroites et bondées. De plus, nous avons été répartis entre différents groupes (un le matin pour Jérusalem, un autre pour Bethléem). Enfin, contrairement à ce qui était prévu, nous n'avons pas été ramenés à notre hôtel à Jérusalem, mais à une station de tramway en dehors de la ville. Les guides sont compétents mais font ce qu’ils peuvent. En clair, si vous êtes plus de deux, à ce prix là , réservez vous même un guide privatifRédigé le 3 juin 2023
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24 avis
Très bon
James D. Patterson
1 contribution
juin 2023
The daily tours are way too long. We were picked up at our hotel at 6:40 AM and returned to our hotel between 7 and 7:30 PM. This is way too much time gathering travelers and dropping them off rather than seeing Israel. The tour guides were helpful but their broken English was often unclear. Overall, the company is just too big and tried to do too much resulting in poor tours and service.
The daily tours are way too long. We were picked up at our hotel at 6:40 AM and returned to our hotel between 7 and 7:30 PM. This is way too much time gathering travelers and dropping them off rather than seeing Israel. The tour guides were helpful but their broken English was often unclear. Overall, the company is just too big and tried to do too much resulting in poor tours and service.
Écrit le 9 juin 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We apologize for any dissatisfaction you experienced during your tour.
We continuously strive to strike a balance between providing a comprehensive tour experience and ensuring that our guests have sufficient time to explore the destinations.
Regarding the language proficiency of our guides, we apologize for any difficulties you encountered. We strive to ensure clear and effective communication with our guests.
Once again, we apologize for any shortcomings you encountered during your tour. We hope to regain your trust and have the chance to provide you with a more enjoyable experience in the future.
Écrit le 11 juin 2023
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
James Z
2 contributions
I booked a 5 day Israel tour through TourRadar. I am a solo traveler so I paid extra for single accommodation. This operator put in a different hotel for every single day of the tour. I also had to walk over to the gathering point with my luggage, and walk over to the hotels they booked for me from the bus drop off point. After the first day tour, the entire bus was going back to Tel Aviv, and I ended up to be the only person who need to go to Jerusalem hotel. So they dropped me off at a rest stop in the desert, and I had to wait for another bus going to Jerusalem to pick me up. They said 15 minutes of wait, but ended up to be over half an hour. Then the bus only dropped me off 500m away from the hotel they booked for me. In the hotel, they registered me as Armenian passport, even thought I provided them my U.S. passport information through TourRadar and through their online registration. Then I received another phone call from their office asking for my passport information again. This tour operator is highly unorganized and unprofessional. I would avoid any tours associated with them in the future.
Écrit le 28 mai 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
We apologize for the inconvenience you encountered and the unnecessary bus ride you experienced during your recent tour.
In order to address the concerns raised, please check your email.
We deeply value your feedback as it helps us identify areas for improvement in our services.
Écrit le 29 mai 2023
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
Clive B
Huntsville, TX16 contributions
févr. 2023
BH's website markets “package” tours in various languages on different weekdays. Before booking we asked by email the languages to be used for the commentaries and were told “ENGLISH ONLY.” That was true for only 1 of our 5 days—in one instance, 4 out of a group of about 30 required everything to be repeated in German. Multilingualism is admirable, but it consumes time and limits the number of places that can be visited. BH's duplicitous response is typical of its attitude towards customers.
Expect over-priced, unappetizing lunch stops and visits to approved (aka greatly over-priced) souvenir shops. Our guides were all informative but varied in quality—from the pompous, know-it-all “Danny” (who welcomed questions but then would snap he was about to explain that or it was too political—he had no problem letting the group know of his disdain for the British, Christians {who “promoted pogroms”} and the current Israeli government) to the personable and caring Itamar who read Bible passages on the way to various stops to put the sites into an historical context.
Expect over-priced, unappetizing lunch stops and visits to approved (aka greatly over-priced) souvenir shops. Our guides were all informative but varied in quality—from the pompous, know-it-all “Danny” (who welcomed questions but then would snap he was about to explain that or it was too political—he had no problem letting the group know of his disdain for the British, Christians {who “promoted pogroms”} and the current Israeli government) to the personable and caring Itamar who read Bible passages on the way to various stops to put the sites into an historical context.
Écrit le 7 mars 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Hi, we are regretful that this was your experience.
Multilingualism is a constraint we have therefore advertised very clearly.
We employ highly experienced and professional guides. Danny and Itamar certainly rank highly.
Écrit le 13 mars 2023
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
Jersey, UK305 contributions
Best Tour Guide: Avi
Best Experiences that I had with the tour: Baptism at Jordan River, Dead Sea Experience, Touching the holy stone and seeing the tomb in Jerusalem
I highly recommend this company, the other guides Orion and Eyal are good too but I’m biased with Avi since I’ve been with him for three days.
I advise you guys to see the places that you really want to visit in Israel if you’re on a tight budget, since they have separate day tours for each.
The company is really good with transport and communicating with the customers. I have been bothering them non stop but they were very patient with me.
I wish I booked 10-12 day tour which they had. I wouldn’t have been rushing. I just learned about it from my fellow tourists.
Best Experiences that I had with the tour: Baptism at Jordan River, Dead Sea Experience, Touching the holy stone and seeing the tomb in Jerusalem
I highly recommend this company, the other guides Orion and Eyal are good too but I’m biased with Avi since I’ve been with him for three days.
I advise you guys to see the places that you really want to visit in Israel if you’re on a tight budget, since they have separate day tours for each.
The company is really good with transport and communicating with the customers. I have been bothering them non stop but they were very patient with me.
I wish I booked 10-12 day tour which they had. I wouldn’t have been rushing. I just learned about it from my fellow tourists.
Écrit le 2 février 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thank you for your review. It sounds like you had a great experience and that you enjoyed visiting many sites during your time in Israel. Thanks for sharing your immense satisfaction with Avi and the rest of our guides Orion and Eyal. they are worthy of your praise for their efforts and pleasant manner.
Your sincere recommendation for our tourism services company Bein Harim is much appreciated.
Écrit le 6 février 2023
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
Fred d
Healesville, Australie11 contributions
See almost everything with great guides.
I was quite worried though when our driver hit 155 km/he on the return trip from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv and then abused our guide in a very chauvinistic way.
I was quite worried though when our driver hit 155 km/he on the return trip from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv and then abused our guide in a very chauvinistic way.
Écrit le 14 décembre 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for this feedback. Not impressed by the speedometer at all!! That is certainly not what drivers should be doing.
Good to know the guide was up to a high standard.
Écrit le 19 décembre 2022
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
Central Coast California178 contributions
sept. 2022
We planned a trip to Israel in May of 2020 and I made the hotel reservations and thought we would book day tours when we arrived. However, the pandemic occurred and the trip needed to be cancelled.
Israel had reopened and we decided to go, but in I had had some health issues and decided to use a tour company to facilitate our trip and make it easier.
Our Tour was a 12 day tour (there was not an option for that in the drop down menu above). This included a side trip to Petra. I relied on Bein Harim's expertise in planning our trip and thought that is what I paid for. The end of our trip was a fiasco and left a bad taste in my mouth. "Rozan" made our flight into Eliat around 1pm so by the time we got to the hotel and checked in, this day was basically a waste. We were initially ok with that because we were excited to go to Petra the next day.
Our flight back to Tel Aviv was scheduled at 8pm the next day. The hotel staff informed us that we would not be able to make our fight due to the tours from Petra always arrive later in the evening. I emailed Bein Harim several times to inquire if this was true and they said yes and cancelled my tour to Petra. I would have never flown down to Eilat. This was a complete waste of time and I could have stayed an extra day in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Wasn't I paying for their expertise in not only booking the tour to Petra but also the appropriate flight times? They did return the cost of the Petra Tour after I emailed them when I got home-not sure why this wasn't immediately refunded? I requested that the flight tickets be refunded but they declined. Perhaps Rozan is new and mad a mistake in how the flights were booked, but Bein Harim should have had better customer service.
They were a couple of other glitches but I decided to give them 3 stars because it was nice to be picked up in an air conditioned bus to all the sites. I felt safe and comfortable. Out of all the tours we took, there were 3 guides that were stellar. I'm sorry I don't remember their names, one said he was originally for Argentina, one I believe he his name was Ithamar,( he said he was the nephew of Moses) and a lady with shoulder length grey hair who was our guide to Nazareth and Galilee. These 3 were very knowledgeable and interesting.
One thing I did not like was and am writing this for others, is they stop for lunch at certain restaurants they must have a deal with. One restaurant in the old town of Jerusalem only gave 3 choices and seemed expensive. We opted out and went someplace with many options and was cheaper. We just made sure we told our guide and returned on time when the tour started again. Also, something we didn't know, if the tour starts early before your hotel's breakfast buffet opens, you can ask if they can pack you a breakfast in lieu of the buffet. (I learned this from a fellow traveler)
Also be prepared that you will be taken to stores and be stuck there for 30-45 minutes. Supposedly these are stores that have the best prices. I understand this is how tourism works but I did feel for me this was a waste of time.
So would I book them again? No, maybe for a day trip I would ,but not for them to book my hotels, flights and all my tours. I do not feel the cost of their package was worth it since they blundered my Petra Tour.
Israel had reopened and we decided to go, but in I had had some health issues and decided to use a tour company to facilitate our trip and make it easier.
Our Tour was a 12 day tour (there was not an option for that in the drop down menu above). This included a side trip to Petra. I relied on Bein Harim's expertise in planning our trip and thought that is what I paid for. The end of our trip was a fiasco and left a bad taste in my mouth. "Rozan" made our flight into Eliat around 1pm so by the time we got to the hotel and checked in, this day was basically a waste. We were initially ok with that because we were excited to go to Petra the next day.
Our flight back to Tel Aviv was scheduled at 8pm the next day. The hotel staff informed us that we would not be able to make our fight due to the tours from Petra always arrive later in the evening. I emailed Bein Harim several times to inquire if this was true and they said yes and cancelled my tour to Petra. I would have never flown down to Eilat. This was a complete waste of time and I could have stayed an extra day in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Wasn't I paying for their expertise in not only booking the tour to Petra but also the appropriate flight times? They did return the cost of the Petra Tour after I emailed them when I got home-not sure why this wasn't immediately refunded? I requested that the flight tickets be refunded but they declined. Perhaps Rozan is new and mad a mistake in how the flights were booked, but Bein Harim should have had better customer service.
They were a couple of other glitches but I decided to give them 3 stars because it was nice to be picked up in an air conditioned bus to all the sites. I felt safe and comfortable. Out of all the tours we took, there were 3 guides that were stellar. I'm sorry I don't remember their names, one said he was originally for Argentina, one I believe he his name was Ithamar,( he said he was the nephew of Moses) and a lady with shoulder length grey hair who was our guide to Nazareth and Galilee. These 3 were very knowledgeable and interesting.
One thing I did not like was and am writing this for others, is they stop for lunch at certain restaurants they must have a deal with. One restaurant in the old town of Jerusalem only gave 3 choices and seemed expensive. We opted out and went someplace with many options and was cheaper. We just made sure we told our guide and returned on time when the tour started again. Also, something we didn't know, if the tour starts early before your hotel's breakfast buffet opens, you can ask if they can pack you a breakfast in lieu of the buffet. (I learned this from a fellow traveler)
Also be prepared that you will be taken to stores and be stuck there for 30-45 minutes. Supposedly these are stores that have the best prices. I understand this is how tourism works but I did feel for me this was a waste of time.
So would I book them again? No, maybe for a day trip I would ,but not for them to book my hotels, flights and all my tours. I do not feel the cost of their package was worth it since they blundered my Petra Tour.
Écrit le 13 décembre 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Greetings We are so sorry that this was the nature of your experience, Petra tour cancellation, and time in Eilat.
Flight schedules are not always logistics we can be flexible with, we do use an agent to schedule this on an availability basis especially if it is a day before the flight down .,. And having to get a place on the evening flight back.
Regarding the evening 20:00 hr scheduled to return last flight. It does normally suit the return of tours from Petra, even though this particular service has only been recently resumed since not being scheduled since Coivd for over 20 months! Arava Border closing times were changed
The matters you have raised require a much more in-depth answer than I can provide on this platform.
You have written a very detailed review that you have been in contact with Rozanne. Hopefully, this has been rectified to the best of our ability, as am sure you know flights are never ever refunded, and am sure you were aware of this. (especially as you did utilize them)
Had you told your hotel reception you were leaving at an earlier hour they would have been amenable to packing a box for you. However, this would need to be your initiative!
We do eat at arranged restaurants as we cannot really let group travelers wander off on their own, It is a downside but when travelers go astray and delay the schedule it is far more problematic for the whole group. One is not forced to eat at the restaurant.
Thanks for the recommendation that our guides and day tour itineraries were up to standard. Apologize once again for the unpleasantness caused you with the Petra
tour cancellation.
Écrit le 15 décembre 2022
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
1 contribution
oct. 2022
My husband and I did 5 days of 1 and 2 day tours with Bein Harim. We had a different tour guide for each tour, which was expected. I would say the tours were very different dependent on the guide. The guides knowledge of history, the sites, religious history, and English varied greatly. I would rate the tours 4/5 stars on average.
Itamar and Dan were amazing guides 5/5 stars.
Avishai was a very good guide, fun, but could have provided more information about the areas and things we passed on the drive 4/5 stars.
We had 2 other guides, one friendly, and fairly knowledgeable 3/5 stars; the other guide was oddly grumpy, but in a comical way. 2/5 stars He mostly provided anecdotal stories and would have gotten more out of the tour, if we had just been dropped off at the sites and told what time to return to the bus.
I think my biggest frustration with Bein Harim is that I was offered a discount for the tours prior to booking, and when I booked it pended the discounted rate on my credit card, but once processed, charged the full amount. When I attempted to contact Bein Harim, the said they would take care of it, but they never changed the amount charged to my card.
Itamar and Dan were amazing guides 5/5 stars.
Avishai was a very good guide, fun, but could have provided more information about the areas and things we passed on the drive 4/5 stars.
We had 2 other guides, one friendly, and fairly knowledgeable 3/5 stars; the other guide was oddly grumpy, but in a comical way. 2/5 stars He mostly provided anecdotal stories and would have gotten more out of the tour, if we had just been dropped off at the sites and told what time to return to the bus.
I think my biggest frustration with Bein Harim is that I was offered a discount for the tours prior to booking, and when I booked it pended the discounted rate on my credit card, but once processed, charged the full amount. When I attempted to contact Bein Harim, the said they would take care of it, but they never changed the amount charged to my card.
Écrit le 21 octobre 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Dear A3430YEnicholasb,
We are most pleased to learn about your positive experience with Itamar and Dan. They're certainly among our top guides. Different guides have different guiding styles, and it's understandable that you'll find one style better than another.
About the discount - please contact the office and explain the situation and we will take care of you.
Écrit le 23 octobre 2022
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
El s
Ooltewah, TN7 contributions
Pick ups were on time and distribution to destination buses went well. Tour guides were too talkative at times and I assume it was because they wanted a good tip. Dealing with everything was fine except getting response through email. We were getting a refund due to them canceling Petra tour. We had to make several phone calls to the office about the refund and some people we spoke with in the office were a little rude. Finally got to talk to someone who was helpful and nice. Overall Ben harim did well considering how busy they are.
Écrit le 13 juillet 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for this feedback on our operations system. It is not often we hear that the guide was too talkative.
Regarding cancellation of the tour to Petra - there are still some major problems at the border for group crossings. refund procedures take time. They are forwarded to the accounts department and only then processed to credit card companies. You will receive it.
Apologize for any rudeness you sensed over the phone. This should not be the manner at all. Will refresh this for sure!
Keep track of your account and keep in touch with our office.
Écrit le 14 juillet 2022
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
1 contribution
juil. 2022 • En solo
Willing to change my trip when I hurt my ankle on a scooter that do send you through shops to spend money
Écrit le 5 juillet 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanka for sharing you were satisfied with the day tours you enjoyed.Glad we could accomodate the change you required due to your ankle incident.
Écrit le 5 juillet 2022
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
Steve L
Los Angeles, Californie1 contribution
juin 2022
Yuval Bigio leads an enlightening Tour of Israel that is historically thorough, filled with passion, enthusiasm and an injection of good humor. Over 8 days we toured most of the key spots from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem (comprehensive "Old City" walking tour), the West Bank, Golan Heights, Dead Sea, Masada, Tiberius, Caesarea, and more. Activities ranged from walking tours in religiously significant areas, floating in the Dead Sea, jeep rides in the Golan Heights, Caliber3 training, camel rides and much more. Yuval's passion for Israel is infectious, religiously sensitive and inclusive, and invites participation. My wife and I are eternally grateful for his guided excellence!
-Steve & Heather Los Angeles, CA
-Steve & Heather Los Angeles, CA
Écrit le 21 juin 2022
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Dear Steve and Heather, Bein harim tourism sincerely appreciates your complimentary feedback on the 5 day package you enjoyed espercially with Yuval.It is clear you came away having seen our beautiful country's key locations ,what it has to offer, via the very enlightening and passionate approach provided by Yuval and other guides . We are most pleased that you have been so fortunate to experience this and cherish it always
.Be well and thanks again.
Écrit le 23 juin 2022
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.
What provision is there for luggage during this tour
Rédigé le 5 juillet 2019
They are very helpful your luggage can go with you where ever you travel to or stay at the hotel where you are booked at they keep them safely locked in the luggage room.
Rédigé le 8 juillet 2019
Queretaro City, Mexique
Somos Mexicanos, tenemos 5 días libres, del sábado 16 al Miércoles 20 de Febrero y volamos de Tel Aviv a España el Jueves 21 de Febrero ... Qué nos recomiendan para aprovechar de la mejor manera nuestro viaje ??? ... Viajamos mi esposa y yo, tenemos 47 y 50 años respectivamente, en buenas condiciones físicas y de salud.
Rédigé le 9 décembre 2018
Résultats 1-4 sur 4
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